
Jupiter Rx trine Mercury, a Time to Learn
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Jupiter Rx trine Mercury, a Time to Learn

With Jupiter retrograde (Rx) applying in a lovely flowing aspect to Mercury in Virgo, the next couple of days are a great time study and learn, to explore something new, to listen to a teacher or mentor. Jupiter/Zeus is the teacher, wisdom figure, big thinker among the gods while Mercury is the trickster god who mediates messages between heaven and earth. Mercury loves to think, to exchange ideas, and is fast and powerful right now; it is exalted and in its own home in Virgo making this an excellent time for learning. And with Jupiter in a lovely trine to Mercury, you can expect abundant support from the mentors and teachers in your life. Jupiter Rx is introspective, offering fresh ideas and new perspectives to how we communicate and learn. So connect with the wise teachers in your life whether in person or online. Listen and absorb their abundant offerings

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Sun Opposite Neptune: Dream a Little Dream…
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Sun Opposite Neptune: Dream a Little Dream…

On September 19, the Sun in Virgo will be exactly opposite Neptune in Pisces. The Sun is our light, our vision, where we shine in the world. Neptune is a planet of “oneness with the universe,” dissolution, fantasy, and imagination. It evokes feelings of merger and is associated with activities that loosen our sense of separation from the world—this can relate to everything from spiritual experiences of the oneness of reality to the experiences we have under the influence of mind-altering drugs and alcohol.

You’ll feel this connection building a day or two before the transit and it will continue for a day or two after. With Sun in rational Virgo, you might find you feel confused or anxious as if something is a bit off and you’re not sure why. Your motivation may be muted during this time as your imagination takes center stage. If you can, let go into this imaginal space for a while and see what lies beyond the rational mind, what ideas bubble up from the unconscious.

Make note of your dreams and fantasies. If you’re like me, you may even wake up during this time with a solution to something you’ve been puzzling over and run to write it down before it vanishes. It is worth remembering that the rational mind needs a break now and then and the Neptunian feeling of being at sea that comes with this opposition to the Sun, while anxiety-provoking at times, also has the potential to connect us with the deepest part of our being.

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Generative New Moon in Virgo
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Generative New Moon in Virgo

On September 14 we have a lovely, dynamic New Moon at 21 Virgo. There is A LOT going on in this lunar cycle. We have a grand trine in earth signs with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus shaking things up a bit and offering an optimistic and generative quality to the New Moon. Pluto in Capricorn also has a nice trine to the New Moon. Something about this energy brings the image of digging into the earth, turning it over to bring fresh soil to the top for planting. A strange analogy for the Autumn, perhaps, but very fitting with the earth trine Uranus Pluto Jupiter energy.

Mercury rules the New Moon and is finishing its retrograde, so the feel of this moon cycle will be more introspective, reflective. And, with Neptune in opposition, it will have a dreamy, spiritual quality as well. A bit of whipped cream and cherry on top of this mix of planets is the square from Jupiter to Venus. While a square aspect can be a tense energy, when it involves these two benefic planets, we can expect good things to come our way—the only downside being “too much of a good thing…”

For me, this New Moon is particularly potent because it happens on my birthday 🤩🤩🤩 so it is built into my Solar Return Chart. The Solar Return Chart is set for the moment the Sun’s transit hits the exact point where it was when you were born and can help you understand the shifts likely to take place in the next year. A new moon in our Solar Return Chart happens once every 19 years and marks the beginning of a new cycle (called the Metonic Cycle). I’m excited about this vibrant and spiritual New Moon seeding the next part of my life. Especially since several planetary connections in my birth chart are repeated in my Solar Return Chart, for example, Uranus is conjunct Pluto in my birth chart, Jupiter is square Venus and so on. When this happens, the year ahead takes on special significance.

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Full Moon in Pisces, Step into the Unknown
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Full Moon in Pisces, Step into the Unknown

On August 30 we will have a Full Moon at 7˚ Pisces. This watery Full Moon brings the potential for growth, for empowering us to step out of our sense of safety into a new experience in our life.

Venus and Jupiter, the rulers of this moon connect with each other in the chart. While the aspect is a square, which can be tense, Venus and Jupiter are “benefic” planets—they tend to bring positive experiences to us—and they do well together even when in a tense aspect.

And, the full moon is separating from Saturn the planet of restriction and responsibility, symbolizing the end of a trial, a struggle, a way of integrating our own inner father figure and embracing our capacity to balance the need to shine in the world with our need to protect ourselves through setting firm boundaries in the world.

You get the feel of moving into the unknown, into new territory from the fact that Mercury Retrograde (Rx) is in a wide opposition to Neptune, the planet that dissolves and deepens connection to the One. The tarot card that rules the New Moon illustrates this energy as well; it is the 8 of Cups which shows a figure turned away from 8 cups moving uphill toward a new adventure, a new horizon of meaning.

Having just gone through a period last weekend where Saturn, the sometimes-stern Father, was opposing the Sun, our light and vision, what did you learn? How might you let go of the restrictions imposed by the father figure in your life to move into your own light? What adventures call to you? In what ways are you tempted to leave your comfort zone to step into the unknown?

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The Deeper Meaning of Mercury Retrograde and My “Camino”
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

The Deeper Meaning of Mercury Retrograde and My “Camino”

The Sun enters Virgo on August 23 at the same time as Mercury, its ruler, goes retrograde ("Rx). It's common describe Mercury Rx as a time to double check your appointments, deal with tech issues, and take care with documents. All of that is true, but what is the deeper meaning of a retrograde?

When planets go retrograde, they appear to be moving backwards in the sky. You can imagine symbolically that it might be a time for reversals, to rethink or retrace steps you've already taken. When planets move retrograde they are moving in "primary motion" which symbolically reflects movement on the spiritual plane. In contrast, the ordinary motion of the planets, "secondary motion" reflects movement on the material, embodied plane of life.

So, retrogrades can have a quality of re-aligning us with the divine; with the deepest part of ourselves. When things go haywire, we are forced to slow down, redo, reflect and wonder about our path and our actions--retrogrades are a "karmic correction " of sorts.

Does this mean that you should not sign contracts or buy a computer etc...when Mercury is retrograde? No! For me, all it means is pay attention, if something goes awry, use the retrograde to turn inward and wonder about what you might learn.

This is exactly what I did last year when I walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain. The day I started, September 10, was the first day of the mercury Rx, within an hour of my start time. I had no clue when I set the date! When I realized, I took it as fate. that's just how I roll, lol.

Predictably, halfway through my 6-week journey I got Covid. It forced me into a 10-day period where I was on my own, in a foreign country, caring for myself. It was difficult and deeply transformative at the same time. I learned lessons about rhythm, pace, life, solitude, and being with myself that I very much needed. On the other end of this experience, my life blossomed in a way that I could not have imagined when I started the journey.

Not every retrograde brings such a big change, of course. My birthday is 9/14, so Mercury was retrograde in my Solar Return chart, emphasizing that this would be an important year that helped re-orient me on my path.

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New Moon in Leo, Open to your Heart’s Desire
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

New Moon in Leo, Open to your Heart’s Desire

On August 16, the Sun conjoins the Moon in Leo. New Moons are often a time when we set intentions for what we hope to manifest in the coming month. However, with Uranus, the planet of revolution, lightning strikes, and “shit coming at us out of the blue,” (copyright CAG, lol) in a tense aspect (a tight square) to the New Moon, there is a feeling of “the best laid plans…” about any intention setting.

So, be prepared to adapt as this cycle unfolds. Venus conjoins this lunation so we can expect some of what we learn to relate to the Venus Rx cycle we've been experiencing for the past couple of weeks--questions centering around our heart and its deepest desires and how to balance our desires with the needs of others.

Uranus transits can break us open and demand that we step into a new and unknown part of who we are. The New Moon chart includes a flowing aspect (an exact trine) from Uranus to Mars, the planet of courage, bravery, and bold action, doubling down on the likelihood that we will be called to take bold action to step into our desires.

At the same time, Mars is conjunct Mercury, the messenger to the gods and planet related to communication, bringing a tense energy to conversations with others. But is that surprising? Whenever we are called to step more fully into our own desire, difficulties are likely to arise with others whose desires may conflict with our own.

Make space to hold the tense energy and understand that your truth may conflict with others’ truth. Hold your perspective lightly, understanding that each person’s subjective reality has value, that two opposing views can contain truth at the same time and that your truth is not “THE TRUTH.” When we hold space for divergent viewpoints we open to the possibility for a third transcendent perspective to arise between ourselves and another and a new way of relating to emerge.

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Uranus Square Venus: “Wake Up!”
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Uranus Square Venus: “Wake Up!”

Today Uranus, the planet of revolution, liberation, and breaking out of old ways of being will be in a hard aspect (a square) to Venus. This is the 2nd of 3 hits from Uranus to Venus between July and September.

When we have 3 aspects over a period of time from one planet to another, it is because one of the planets is retrograde (Rx), which simply means that it appears to be moving backward in the sky. I think of retrograde periods as times of "karmic corrections;" times when we may face circumstances that call us back to the deepest part of who we are--that ask us to explore the ways in which we may have sacrificed the needs of our Self for the sake of the Ego. A concrete example of this with the Venus Rx might be that we are called to explore whether we have sacrificed what our soul wants for the sake of maintaining harmony in our relationships.

We are deep in the midst of the Venus Rx period now and this second hit from Uranus to Venus is a kind of "wakeup call" that may bring an event in the outer world or a feeling within us that shakes us up a bit and reflect on what our deepest desires are (Venus) and how we want to shine in the world (Leo). As the cycle unfolds and Venus enters the heart of the Sun on August 13, we may gain clarity around what our soul is asking from us at this moment. And, when we have the last square from Uranus to Venus later in September, we may find we have integrated the lesson of the moment and are able to naturally step into a newfound authentic expression of our desire.

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Jupiter Square the Sun, a Cautionary Tale
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Jupiter Square the Sun, a Cautionary Tale

Jupiter, the planet of optimism, expansion and big ideas will be in a tense square aspect to the Sun today. Jupiter in combination with the Sun always reminds me of the Greek myth of Icarus and the Sun. Icarus and his father were being held captive by King Minos on Crete and were given wings made of wax so they could fly away and escape. As they were leaving, Icarus's father warned him not to fly too close to the Sun. Icarus ignored his father's warnings his wings melted, and he fell to the ground.

When Jupiter hits the Sun by aspect it can make us feel as though we are invincible, we have the truth, we know exactly what to do and we can pursue our wildest dreams. It can have a bit of a manic quality as we feel buoyed by the Spirit. With Jupiter in Taurus, a sign that can have to do with luxury, sensual pleasures and good food, you might be tempted, for example, to spend money on something that makes you feel special today, the Sun, after all is in Leo where it loves to be seen and adored.

If you feel the impulse to do or buy something "big" today, it may be good to reflect on the tale of Icarus. Especially if you find yourself in a situation where you are riding high, sure of yourself and ready to jump into something new. Take a moment to ground yourself and sit with the impulse to act. Bring forth the part of you that is like Icarus's Dad and get a feel for your limits before you act. After all, his father did not tell Icarus not to take the trip, just that he should use care about how high he flew.

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Venus Rx, Barbie and Greta
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Venus Rx, Barbie and Greta

It looks like the Barbie Movie will hit $1 Billion in sales today. Go Greta. The movie is subversive AF. So subversive that it went right over the heads of some men I spoke to, one who said "it was fun!" and seemed confused when I spoke about the subtext. Anyway, the ASTROLOGY!! is amazing.

Venus is often thought of simply as the Goddess of Love. What most folks don't know is that she is also the Goddess of War. Venus has two different ways of appearing to us in the sky: at times she appears in the evening mellow and faded, that is Venus Evening Star, Goddess of Love. At other times she appears in the morning, before the Sun rises...bright and bold. This is Venus Morning Star, goddess of War.

Right now, we are in the period where Venus is retrograde ("Rx") preparing to emerge as Morning Star later this month. Symbolically folks born during this Rx before Venus emerges as Morning Star are known to break cultural barriers, to foretell the future, to be iconoclasts. You might even say they have the capacity to subvert cultural norms.

How does this fit with Barbie and Greta Gerwig? If you look at her chart (3rd photo) you see that she was born a day after the Venus Rx cycle began, with mercury, messenger of the gods conjunct her Venus and Jupiter and Uranus squaring her Venus. Which is EXACTLY what was happening in the sky the day after the Barbie movie was released; not only was it the beginning of the Venus Rx to Morning Star period, Jupiter and Uranus were squaring Venus, just as in Gerwig's birth chart.

If you know a bit about astrology, you know how rare this Venus Rx configuration is--it happens once every 19 months. When you add Jupiter conjunct Uranus squaring the mix you recognize the depth of the revolutionary quality of both Gerwig and the movie she helped to create. $1 Billion dollars, millions of kids, teens, and adults taking in the truth of the moment (whether consciously or unconsciously), I can't wait to feel the full meaning of the movie to unfold in our culture over time. Bring it on Warrior Goddess. ♥️

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U.S. Chiron Return and Trump’s Indictment
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

U.S. Chiron Return and Trump’s Indictment

Chiron, "the wounded healer" returns to its position in a birth chart every 50 years, so I wondered whether today's indictment is related to the United States' Chiron Return. Sure enough, Chiron is at 20 degrees of Aries in the U.S. natal chart, at 19 degrees today, and hovered between 18 and 22 degrees during Nixon's impeachment and resignation.

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Aquarius Full Moon
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Aquarius Full Moon

There will be a full moon in Aquarius on August 1. A good way to get a feel for the energy of Aquarius is to compare it to Capricorn, the other Saturn-ruled sign. Capricorn is an earth sign that relates to our capacity to build something in the material world through hard work, effort and responsibility. It's easy to see how this relates to Saturn, the planet associated with boundaries, hard work, and responsibility.

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Mercury in Virgo ‘23
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Mercury in Virgo ‘23

The planet Mercury (Hermes) enters Virgo today, its home sign and place of exaltation. It goes retrograde on August 23 and will remain in Virgo until early October.

Hermes was the messenger of the gods who was a shapeshifter with a trickster energy. With Mars and Saturn, the malefic planets, in hard aspect to Mercury for most of the month, each of us will likely confront some puzzle/problem to solve over the coming months in the house where Virgo lies in our chart. Mercury is quite strong in Virgo and will need every bit of that analytic skill and playful shapeshifting energy to tackle whatever problem presents itself in the coming weeks.

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Rest in Peace, Tina
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Rest in Peace, Tina

Rest in Peace, Tina Turner. When she re-emerged on the music scene at midlife with Private Dancer, she spoke a truth that could not be ignored. Her voice in What’s Love Got to Do with It?!! That album fulfilled the promise of Turner’s natal T-square with Jupiter (truth) opposite Neptune (dreams) squaring Venus (receptive beauty, art). I imagine Venus in the 5th house in Sagittarius sitting with the Sun and Mercury as demanding its freedom from oppression, its right to create, to speak and be heard.

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Scorpio Moon: Bluer than Blue
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

Scorpio Moon: Bluer than Blue

The Moon is in Scorpio today and tomorrow. It’s raining here and there is a heaviness in the air that fits the Scorpio mood. If you find yourself a bit weepy today or tomorrow for no reason, don’t be surprised, Scorpio is the sign that carries the symbolism of death and letting go and the moon is our physical body and emotions.

When the moon is in the deep feminine watery sign of Scorpio feelings of loss can bubble up to the surface without any apparent cause. This will be especially true for this moon since it is ruled by Mars which is conjoining Chiron, the wounded healer. Feelings of loss or letting go will peak tomorrow morning when the moon meets the South Node. The South Node with the moon can bring up feelings of loss or letting go around people who have nurtured and cared for us in our lives.

Scorpio is a fixed sign and does not let go easily, so if these feelings do come up, be kind to yourself and let them in. Find a place that feels sacred and safe, whether in nature or in a corner of your home and devote yourself to inviting the sadness in for a while. Take some time to grieve and peel away the painful old bits that want to come to the surface. Perhaps a memory of some way in which you were wounded by a person who nurtured you when you were a child will arise. If you can, feel into that loss, weep it out and release it knowing that you are no longer a child, and it is safe to be with the hurt and let it go. Feel the lightness that envelops you after you release the memory to the past.

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New Moon in Gemini: Leap of Faith
Catherine Gnatek Catherine Gnatek

New Moon in Gemini: Leap of Faith

Monday’s new moon fell at the very end of the first decan of Gemini. Mercury, the god of communication, and Jupiter, the god of expansion, optimism, and big ideas rule this decan and can bring a rush of new ideas and pleasant fantasies of how these bright ideas might become something beautiful in the world. With Neptune sextiling Mercury, the ruler of the lunation, the ideas feel ever more enchanting to us. And, as the Bard said, “therein lies the rub.” We can feel so much pleasure at big ideas (Jupiter) or be overwhelmed by all the options presented by the idea (mercury) that we fail to act. We miss the opportunity to see what that seed of an idea might become if we did the work to plant it in the ground, water it, and watch it grow.

This new moon provides an opportunity to learn about how we relate to the big ideas that befall us. Mercury, the ruler of this lunation is retrograde, indicating that this lunation will involve reflection—a learning that helps bring us back to ourselves. With the new moon at 9 Gemini, the very end of the decan, we may be called to take a leap of faith, commit to an idea, risk the ego death that comes with giving ourselves over to the unknown. In numerology, 9 represents completion, the culmination of wisdom and experience. The tumultuous energy of the first decan of Gemini comes to fruition at the 9th degree, giving us an opportunity to integrate lessons around what the influx of new ideas and dreams means to us. Asking us to experiment with what it means to take the risk to plant them in the ground and let them die to a new way of being.

Today the moon is in the early degrees of Cancer, offering us the chance to commit to an idea that came to us at the new moon. To plant the seed in the ground, mother it, nurture it, and like any good mother, be curious about what it will become, accepting that once it takes root, it will have a life of its own.

At the full moon on June 14, any leap of faith will come to fruition. We will gain some new understanding of the seed we planted. More importantly, we will gain some new understanding of what it means to let go and step into the void. And, if we are lucky, regardless of the outcome, we will experience the exhilaration that comes after the leap of faith—the incomparable feeling of being alive, being “in life” that comes with landing on the other side.

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