Sun Opposite Neptune: Dream a Little Dream…

On September 19, the Sun in Virgo will be exactly opposite Neptune in Pisces. The Sun is our light, our vision, where we shine in the world. Neptune is a planet of “oneness with the universe,” dissolution, fantasy, and imagination. It evokes feelings of merger and is associated with activities that loosen our sense of separation from the world—this can relate to everything from spiritual experiences of the oneness of reality to the experiences we have under the influence of mind-altering drugs and alcohol.

You’ll feel this connection building a day or two before the transit and it will continue for a day or two after. With Sun in rational Virgo, you might find you feel confused or anxious as if something is a bit off and you’re not sure why. Your motivation may be muted during this time as your imagination takes center stage. If you can, let go into this imaginal space for a while and see what lies beyond the rational mind, what ideas bubble up from the unconscious.

Make note of your dreams and fantasies. If you’re like me, you may even wake up during this time with a solution to something you’ve been puzzling over and run to write it down before it vanishes. It is worth remembering that the rational mind needs a break now and then and the Neptunian feeling of being at sea that comes with this opposition to the Sun, while anxiety-provoking at times, also has the potential to connect us with the deepest part of our being.


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