Generative New Moon in Virgo
On September 14 we have a lovely, dynamic New Moon at 21 Virgo. There is A LOT going on in this lunar cycle. We have a grand trine in earth signs with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus shaking things up a bit and offering an optimistic and generative quality to the New Moon. Pluto in Capricorn also has a nice trine to the New Moon. Something about this energy brings the image of digging into the earth, turning it over to bring fresh soil to the top for planting. A strange analogy for the Autumn, perhaps, but very fitting with the earth trine Uranus Pluto Jupiter energy.
Mercury rules the New Moon and is finishing its retrograde, so the feel of this moon cycle will be more introspective, reflective. And, with Neptune in opposition, it will have a dreamy, spiritual quality as well. A bit of whipped cream and cherry on top of this mix of planets is the square from Jupiter to Venus. While a square aspect can be a tense energy, when it involves these two benefic planets, we can expect good things to come our way—the only downside being “too much of a good thing…”
For me, this New Moon is particularly potent because it happens on my birthday so it is built into my Solar Return Chart. The Solar Return Chart is set for the moment the Sun’s transit hits the exact point where it was when you were born and can help you understand the shifts likely to take place in the next year. A new moon in our Solar Return Chart happens once every 19 years and marks the beginning of a new cycle (called the Metonic Cycle). I’m excited about this vibrant and spiritual New Moon seeding the next part of my life. Especially since several planetary connections in my birth chart are repeated in my Solar Return Chart, for example, Uranus is conjunct Pluto in my birth chart, Jupiter is square Venus and so on. When this happens, the year ahead takes on special significance.