Jupiter Rx trine Mercury, a Time to Learn
Adyashanti, one of my favorite spiritual teachers (see opengatesangha.com)
With Jupiter retrograde (Rx) applying in a flowing aspect to Mercury in Virgo, the next couple of days are a great time study and learn, to explore something new, to listen to a teacher or mentor. Jupiter/Zeus is the teacher, wisdom figure, big thinker among the gods while Mercury is the trickster god who mediates messages between heaven and earth. Mercury loves to think, to exchange ideas, and is fast and powerful right now; it is exalted and in its own home in Virgo making this an excellent time for learning. And with Jupiter in a lovely trine to Mercury, you can expect abundant support from the mentors and teachers in your life. Jupiter Rx is introspective, offering fresh ideas and new perspectives to how we communicate and learn. So connect with the wise teachers in your life whether in person or online. Listen and absorb their abundant offerings.