Aries Full Moon, Choppy Waters Soothed by Insights

Friday’s Full Moon in Aries has a volatile feel--bringing the possibility for conflict in relationships. Uranus is in a hard aspect to Venus, the god of love, which can bring a desire for freedom and independence in relationships. Mars, the god of war, rules this lunation and is weak; Mars is with the South Node and is in Libra—both aspects make it difficult for Mars to express himself directly. Mars is also in a difficult aspect to Pluto, which brings the potential for power struggles. As a result, any conflicts that arise could be messy, leaving all parties feeling as if they were not able to effectively express their concerns.

The silver lining to this Full Moon is that Uranus, the planet of revolution and insight is in a nice flowing aspect to Mercury, the god of communication. With Uranus and Mercury both in earth signs, a practical solution to any conflict may suddenly appear.

If you find yourself in a power struggle with a partner or a friend in the next day or two, take a step back. Breathe. Find some space to think before you speak. It may be that a solution to the conflict arises naturally, allowing you to avoid a messy conflict.


Mercury joins the Libra party/brawl


Jupiter Rx trine Mercury, a Time to Learn