Aquarius Full Moon

We will have a full moon on August 1 in Aquarius. The chart for this full moon is complex as it includes a flowing energy (trine) from Jupiter to Mars and a hard aspect from Saturn to Mercury suggesting that we may feel a push to make a bold move at the same time as we experience some fears around taking action.

A good way to get a feel for the energy of the Aquarius full moon is to compare it to Capricorn, the other Saturn-ruled sign. Capricorn is an earth sign that relates to our capacity to build something in the material world through hard work, effort, and responsibility. It's easy to see how this relates to Saturn, the planet associated with boundaries, diligence, and responsibility.

But how does Saturn relate to Aquarius, a sign known for innovation and humanitarian ideals? Here's how I think of it: Saturn is the last planet we can see with the naked eye. I imagine myself sitting on Saturn looking back at the Earth--THAT is Capricorn—the reality of what we can and cannot accomplish in the material world. Then I imagine myself on Saturn looking toward the vast universe--THAT is Aquarius—a gateway to the unknown--an air sign that captures our capacity to take in ideas that stretch beyond the limits of what is already known and share them for the greater good.

This full moon happens during the Venus retrograde cycle which includes 3 squares from Uranus, the planet of liberation. As such, it may offer a new perspective on old relationship patterns. If you find yourself inspired by a new idea of how to relate to the people closest to you and a bit panicked at the idea of change (Saturn opposite Mercury), that's ok, it's part of the process. Use the full moon Aquarian energy to interrogate your fear, to open in wonder at the new possibilities rather than close down in fear. You may discover that the Jupiter trine Mars energy allows you to take an unexpected leap toward discovering what Venus asks of you as she descends more deeply into the underworld.


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