Jupiter Square the Sun, a Cautionary Tale

Jupiter, the planet of optimism, expansion and big ideas will be in a tense square aspect to the Sun today. Jupiter in combination with the Sun always reminds me of the Greek myth of Icarus and the Sun. Icarus and his father were being held captive by King Minos on Crete and were given wings made of wax so they could fly away and escape. As they were leaving, Icarus's father warned him not to fly too close to the Sun. Icarus ignored his father's warnings his wings melted, and he fell to the ground.

When Jupiter hits the Sun by aspect it can make us feel as though we are invincible, we have the truth, we know exactly what to do and we can pursue our wildest dreams. It can have a bit of a manic quality as we feel buoyed by the Spirit. With Jupiter in Taurus, a sign that can have to do with luxury, sensual pleasures and good food, you might be tempted, for example, to spend money on something that makes you feel special today, the Sun, after all is in Leo where it loves to be seen and adored.

If you feel the impulse to do or buy something "big" today, it may be good to reflect on the tale of Icarus. Especially if you find yourself in a situation where you are riding high, sure of yourself and ready to jump into something new. Take a moment to ground yourself and sit with the impulse to act. Bring forth the part of you that is like Icarus's Dad and get a feel for your limits before you act. After all, his father did not tell Icarus not to take the trip, just that he should use care about how high he flew.


Uranus Square Venus: “Wake Up!”


Venus Rx, Barbie and Greta