Uranus Square Venus: “Wake Up!”
Today Uranus, the planet of revolution, liberation, and breaking out of old ways of being will be in a hard aspect (a square) to Venus. This is the 2nd of 3 hits from Uranus to Venus between July and September.
When we have 3 aspects over a period of time from one planet to another, it is because one of the planets is retrograde (Rx), which simply means that it appears to be moving backward in the sky. I think of retrograde periods as times of "karmic corrections;" times when we may face circumstances that call us back to the deepest part of who we are--that ask us to explore the ways in which we may have sacrificed the needs of our Self for the sake of the Ego. A concrete example of this with the Venus Rx might be that we are called to explore whether we have sacrificed what our soul wants for the sake of maintaining harmony in our relationships.
We are deep in the midst of the Venus Rx period now and this second hit from Uranus to Venus is a kind of "wakeup call" that may bring an event in the outer world or a feeling within us that shakes us up a bit and reflect on what our deepest desires are (Venus) and how we want to shine in the world (Leo). As the cycle unfolds and Venus enters the heart of the Sun on August 13, we may gain clarity around what our soul is asking from us at this moment. And, when we have the last square from Uranus to Venus later in September, we may find we have integrated the lesson of the moment and are able to naturally step into a newfound authentic expression of our desire.