New Moon in Leo, Open to your Heart’s Desire
On August 16, the Sun conjoins the Moon in Leo. New Moons are often a time when we set intentions for what we hope to manifest in the coming month. However, with Uranus, the planet of revolution, lightning strikes, and a desire for liberation, in a tense aspect (a tight square) to the New Moon, there is a feeling of “the best laid plans…” about any intention setting.
So, be prepared to adapt as this cycle unfolds. Venus conjoins this lunation so we can expect some of what we learn to relate to the Venus Rx cycle we've been experiencing for the past couple of weeks--questions centering around our heart and its deepest desires and how to balance our desires with the needs of others.
Uranus transits can break us open and demand that we step into a new and unknown part of who we are. The New Moon chart includes a flowing aspect (an exact trine) from Uranus to Mars, the planet of courage, bravery, and bold action, doubling down on the likelihood that we will be called to take bold action to step into our desires.
At the same time, Mars is conjunct Mercury, the messenger to the gods and planet related to communication, bringing a tense energy to conversations with others. But is that surprising? Whenever we are called to step more fully into our own desire, difficulties are likely to arise with others whose desires may conflict with our own.
Make space to hold the tense energy and understand that your truth may conflict with others’ truth. Hold your perspective lightly, understanding that each person’s subjective reality has value, that two opposing views can contain truth at the same time and that your truth is not “THE TRUTH.” When we hold space for divergent viewpoints we open to the possibility for a third transcendent perspective to arise between ourselves and another and a new way of relating to emerge.