Mars in Aries

Jupiter, Chiron and Venus have been together in Aries for a couple of weeks now. Early this evening Mars joins the party and turns it into a rave.

Aries is Mars’ domicile, its home. Whenever a planet is in its home sign it has extra power, it knows its way around, knows how to handle the energy of the sign and get what it wants. And Mars in Aries wants a lot, wants it fast, and doesn’t want to have to think about the consequences. Jupiter, the god of expansion, optimism and hubris adds fuel to Mars’ fire. In our day to day lives, this might mean you feel this surge of energy and courage to act in the world. Where and how will depend on your rising sign and what house Aries occupies in your chart.* For example, if you’re Aries rising, this is your first house of Self, so you might feel the urge to take some bold step in the world on your own behalf, announce some new path or dream to the world, tell the world “this is who I am, damn it!”

The urge to act, to do something, to be bold will likely be very strong, and Jupiter’s exuberance may pump you up, tell you that “THIS is exactly what I need to do!” and Mars will be screaming “DO IT NOWWWWW!” In the heat of the moment, when you are pumped up, ready to act, take a deep breath. Talk to Mars, talk to Jupiter. Remind them that the opportunity is not going anywhere. That you don’t have to act right in that moment. That you need a minute, an hour, a day, to reflect and listen to the other planets.

Listen to Chiron, the wounded healer, who is also in Aries. Find out where the urgency comes from. What does the energy of the moment remind you of? how might it trigger some past wound where you acted on impulse in that area of your life? Listen to Mercury/Hermes, the god of communication. Mercury is retrograde right now, adding the need to pause and reflect and remember—asking us to learn from the past and offering an opportunity to break out of old ways of being.

None of this is to say that courageous action is not called for in our lives. Just that courageous action is most effective—less likely to bite us in the ass—when tempered by reflection. And Mars is in Aries until July 4, so there is plenty of time to act on this energy.

*there are 12 houses in the natal chart, each with a different topic/theme, like Home/Work (4th/10th) and Self/Partner (1st/7th). Knowing what house Aries occupies in your chart and the themes of the houses can help you understand the area of life that will light up during the next few weeks.


Moon Conjunct Chiron in Aries, From Wound to Action


Mars Conjunct Neptune