Scorpio Moon: Bluer than Blue

The Moon is in Scorpio today and tomorrow. It’s raining here and there is a heaviness in the air that fits the mood. If you find yourself a bit weepy today or tomorrow for no reason, don’t be surprised, Scorpio is the sign that carries the symbolism of death and letting go and the moon is our physical body and emotions.

When the moon is in the deep feminine watery sign of Scorpio feelings of loss can bubble up to the surface without any apparent cause. This will be especially true for this moon since it is ruled by Mars which is conjoining Chiron, the wounded healer.  Feelings of loss or letting go will peak tomorrow morning when the moon meets the South Node. The South Node with the moon can bring up feelings of loss or letting go around people who have nurtured and cared for us in our lives. 

Scorpio is a fixed sign and does not let go easily, so if these feelings do come up, be kind to yourself and let them in. Find a place that feels sacred and safe, whether in nature or in a corner of your home and devote yourself to inviting the sadness in for a while. Take some time to grieve and peel away the painful old bits that want to come to the surface. Perhaps a memory of some way in which you were wounded by a person who nurtured you when you were a child will arise. If you can, feel into that loss, weep it out and release it knowing that you are no longer a child, and it is safe to be with the hurt and let it go. Feel the lightness that envelops you after you release the memory to the past.


Rest in Peace, Tina


The Joy of the Virgo Moon