Rest in Peace, Tina
Tina Turner passed away Wednesday at the age of 83, the time of her Uranus return, so fitting for a woman whose very presence shook the world. When she re-emerged on the music scene at midlife with Private Dancer, she spoke a truth that could not be ignored. Her voice in What’s Love Got to Do with It?!! That album fulfilled the promise of Turner’s natal T-square with Jupiter (truth) opposite Neptune (dreams) squaring Venus (receptive beauty, art). I imagine Venus in the 5th house in Sagittarius sitting with the Sun and Mercury as demanding its freedom from oppression, its right to create, to speak and be heard.
They say the remedy for a natal T-square is found in the opposite sign and house—for Turner, that was Gemini in the 11th house, which is often referred to as the house of groups and friends, and which I think of as also akin to Carl Jung’s notion of “collective consciousness,” which simply means all the ways in which we understand ourselves as human beings at any given moment. The release of Private Dancer shifted our collective way of understanding the world. There was something about that album that gave voice to the truth of the pain of women’s oppression in a way that had not been known before. Turner mined the depths of Pluto in her 1st House to give voice to a collective pain in a way that helped women everywhere understand something new about what it is to be a woman in this world. She “disclosed a new truth” to the collective. It’s not surprising that Private Dancer was released when the North Node was in Turner’s 11th House and South Node was in the 5th. Private Dancer inspired and taught a generation of women about self-worth, dignity, and our own power to create. I will be forever grateful for her voice.