The Joy of the Virgo Moon
The moon is in Virgo today, bringing an urge to clean house, organize, put things in order. And I am feeling a strong urge to sing the praises of this energy. I LOVE when the moon is in Virgo, maybe because I have a Virgo sun stellium.
To really feel the joy of this placement it’s important to separate out the joy of cleaning from any idea that everything “should be” neat and clean. Virgo placements often get a bad rap as if the inherent ordering process that is part of Virgo is about the external world—as if their desire for order is for the sake of ensuring everything is perfect vs. the deeper meaning of Virgo which is the internal joy that comes from the act of ordering, the act of putting things in order.
See if you can find a moment today or tomorrow to experience that joy. Find some little corner of your life that needs some structure. Drop into the feeling of the Virgo moon. Put on some music. Turn off your mind and just be in the joy of nesting, the joy of ordering your environment. Take away that which no longer fits, gather up the chaos that has emerged from a period of disorder and bring it back to the beginning, back to what the space was like before your last project. And dust up a bit, wipe things down, make space for the beautiful and the new, perhaps as an invitation to the next project that may befall you. And contemplate on the deeper meaning of Virgo, the sign that prepares the way for Libra, the beautiful idea, to take the stage.