Venus Rx, Barbie and Greta
It looks like the Barbie Movie will hit $1 Billion in sales today. Go Greta. The movie is subversive AF. So subversive that it went right over the heads of some men I spoke to, one who said "it was fun!" and seemed confused when I spoke about the subtext. Anyway, the ASTROLOGY!! is amazing.
Venus is often thought of simply as the Goddess of Love. What most folks don't know is that she is also the Goddess of War. Venus has two different ways of appearing to us in the sky: at times she appears in the evening mellow and faded, that is Venus Evening Star, Goddess of Love. At other times she appears in the morning, before the Sun rises...bright and bold. This is Venus Morning Star, goddess of War.
Right now, we are in the period where Venus is retrograde ("Rx") preparing to emerge as Morning Star later this month. Symbolically folks born during this Rx before Venus emerges as Morning Star are known to break cultural barriers, to foretell the future, to be iconoclasts. You might even say they have the capacity to subvert cultural norms.
How does this fit with Barbie and Greta Gerwig? If you look at her chart, you see that she was born a day after the Venus Rx cycle began, with mercury, messenger of the gods conjunct her Venus and Jupiter and Uranus squaring her Venus. Which is EXACTLY what was happening in the sky the day after the Barbie movie was released; not only was it the beginning of the Venus Rx to Morning Star period, Jupiter and Uranus were squaring Venus, just as in Gerwig's birth chart.
If you know a bit about astrology, you know how rare this Venus Rx configuration is--it happens once every 19 months. When you add Jupiter conjunct Uranus squaring the mix you recognize the depth of the revolutionary quality of both Gerwig and the movie she helped to create. $1 Billion dollars, millions of kids, teens, and adults taking in the truth of the moment (whether consciously or unconsciously), I can't wait to feel the full meaning of the movie to unfold in our culture over time. Bring it on Warrior Goddess. ♥️
(full disclosure: I have Morning Star Venus in my chart. 😊 )