U.S. Chiron Return and Trump’s Indictment
On August 8, 1974, nearly 50 years ago today, Nixon announced his resignation. I was 9 years old and will never forget my parents yelling for us to come and watch his resignation speech.
Chiron, "the wounded healer" returns to its position in a birth chart every 50 years, so I wondered whether today's indictment is related to the United States' Chiron Return. Sure enough, Chiron is at 20 degrees of Aries in the U.S. natal chart, at 19 degrees today, and hovered between 18 and 22 degrees during Nixon's impeachment and resignation. I've attached today's chart and the chart from the day Archibald Cox was appointed as special prosecutor in 1973.
Astrology blows my mind EVERY DAY.
No one knows what the outcome of today's indictment will be and I am not one to predict the unpredictable. We can, however, wonder about what it means for Chiron, the wounded healer, to be placed in Aries in the U.S. chart. Chiron is an asteroid related to a Greek mythic figure who had a wound that would not heal who became a doctor to help heal others; in our own chart it relates to where we have our deepest wounds and also the capacity to heal others out of our own wounded nature.
How do Trump and Nixon's behaviors and our government's response reflect the wound and the possible cure? With Chiron in Aries in the 5th house of our deepest creative expression, I'd argue that our wound relates to the loss of freedom to express ourselves for ourselves (Aries) at the hands of tyrannical leaders. Our democratic ideals (clearly ideal and not realized yet for the vast majority) stem from a desire to hold officials accountable to the people.
The cure? Democratic structures (including the judicial system) designed to ensure that no individual is above the law. Only time will tell how effective the cure will be. It is noteworthy that Chiron will hit the U.S. natal Chiron 3 more times, will be nearly exactly conjunct its natal Chiron on November 5, 2024 election, and conjoins Chiron for the last time on February 17, 2025.
Transit Chart for August 1, 2023 with U.S. Chart at the center.
Transit Chart for date Archibald Cox was appointed as Special Prosecutor in the Watergate investigation with U.S. Chart at the center.