New Moon in Leo; Be the Queen
On August 4, there is a New Moon in Leo, the sign of royalty, the sign of the Queen. Venus, the goddess of love, relationship, and beauty, is also in Leo that day, suggesting that this particular Leo season focuses on the divine feminine, the “Queen,” in all of us.
With Jupiter in a sextile to the New Moon, it has joyful, optimistic energy. Jupiter is the god of big, expansive ideas; he brings a sense of “yes, you can!” (¡si, se puede!). A sextile happens when one planet is two signs away from another; it is a lovely, flowing, supportive energy. Jupiter supporting this Leo energy has the feel of each of us finding a place in our life where we are meant to shine, meant to be “the Queen,” and having a friend right there, by your side, whispering words of encouragement in your ear, telling you to stop hiding your light—to let it shine and damn what other folks might think.
August 4, 2024 New Moon in Leo
Since Jupiter and Venus, the two benefic planets, aspect the New Moon, it has a positive vibe. The energy of the New Moon reminds me of Kamala Harris’s sudden rise to power and how she has stepped forward to shine her light in the world. You could see this in her presence at a recent rally in Georgia in front of thousands of people. She set an example for all of us on what it is to be “the Queen;” she was unapologetic about who she is, confident, bold, and optimistic. She occupied space, wore her title gracefully, and shone her light on the world.
Kamala Harris, Atlanta Georgia, July 30, 2024
The New Moon energy also evokes the energy of the Queen of Wands card in the Tarot deck. Meditating on the card pictured above, you can feel the calm, strong, optimistic energy of the Queen sitting on her throne with her cat at her feet. If some folks are afraid of cats, it may be because they symbolize forces that cannot be dominated and managed—forces beyond our egos' control. Cats, unlike dogs, cannot be ordered about. They respond to the quiet, still, calm invitation, never the abrupt demand. They are confident in their self-dominion and relate to you if it suits their needs.
At the same time, there is another aspect in the New Moon chart that suggests that as we step into our light in the next couple of weeks, we may encounter resistance and need to work out a few kinks along the way. Is that surprising, though? Whenever we step into our freedom to express who we are, it can be frightening for others because it opens the possibility that they, too, might step into their freedom. As psychologist Erich Fromm famously noted, people are deeply afraid of their freedom because they fear the dangers and responsibilities that come with expressing oneself creatively in the world. E. Fromm, Escape from Freedom, (Holt Publishing, 1965).
Uranus, the planet of revolutions and liberation, squares Venus, the goddess of receptivity, relationship, and beauty in the chart. A square is a tense Mars-like energy that can bring conflicts to a head. This energy demands Venus step up and take a risk. Uranus square Venus calls us to take action to break free of old norms and be true to who we are, especially around close relationships.
As always, these transits will affect some folks more than others. If you have a planet at or near 12 or 26 degrees of a fixed sign (Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, or Aquarius), you may feel these transits more than most folks. If you’d like to know more about how this New Moon and its transits may affect you, there is a link below to book a reading.