Full Moon at Capricorn 29; Ride the Waves of Change

Hades Abduction of Persephone, Yann Forget/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

On July 21, we have a Full Moon at 29 Capricorn, the very last degree of the sign. Pluto, the god of the underworld (Hades in Greek mythology), is at 0 Aquarius, the next sign, so it is right next to this Full Moon. Pluto relates to our survival mechanisms, to how we use power to suppress and oppress ourselves or others out of a will to survive. When Pluto hits a planet in our chart, it can feel as if we, like Persephone in the Greek myth, have been dragged into the underworld—it can bring forth dark, hidden material for us to process. When we consciously work with Pluto material, we understand more about the “shadow” side of our personalities and are transformed.

The Moon represents our emotional body, the part of us that stores old emotional stories from our past. We can experience big, explosive emotions when the Moon joins with Pluto. We are more easily “triggered” by events in the world as Pluto excavates old memories and stories for us to process. If we can align with the energy of this Full Moon, we may find we can release old “shit;” Pluto transits often feel as if something bigger than us is demanding that we let go of our tight grip on old ways of understanding ourselves and the world. When we resist, out of fear of losing control, Pluto transits feel much more difficult to bear. When we let go into the unknown and ride the wave of change, we may find that even as an old part of us has died, a new, fresh way of “being” emerges, and we have access to a new perspective. We are transformed.

This Full Moon has two powerful transits baked into it that make it feel significant not just on a personal level but also in terms of world events: (1) Pluto is in flowing energy to Mars, the god of war, aggression, and courage; and (2) Uranus, the god of “shit hitting out of the blue” (apologies to the Libras of the world for the foul language), is in a challenging, difficult aspect to Mercury, the god of communication. The first aspect suggests powerful supportive energy for passionate speech and action in the world, and the second aspect suggests “sudden disruptive news.”

July 21, 2024 Full Moon Chart, Washington, D.C.

I don’t use astrology to predict future events because I sense that we co-create our lives--we participate in the unfolding of reality. As such, we cannot know for sure what the next moment will hold. Still, astrology allows us to peek at the upcoming energy and understand what it might bring. As I write this, news suggests that Obama, Pelosi, and others are encouraging Biden to step down from the Presidential race. The transits in this chart seem to line up with that possibility.

Moreover, the Sabian Symbol and Tarot card associated with the degree of the Full Moon carry symbols of a leader fiercely holding onto power. The energy of Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of innovative cultural shifts, is Retrograde and moving backward into that Full Moon with its full force. The tarot card associated with the Full Moon is the 4 of Pentacles. The number 4 symbolizes safety and security; we see the man with four coins covering his vulnerable parts: protecting the crown, the heart, the throat, and the soles of the feet. There is an immovable, intractable quality about the card that resonates with a leader attempting to protect and defend himself from assaults.

Four of Pentacles, Rider-Waite Tarot

This also seems possible because the current transits in Joe Biden’s chart look quite bleak. For the “astrological nerds” who read this, I’m attaching his chart with my notes so you can get a feel for what is happening for him astrologically.

We shall see.

In the meantime, in your personal life, you may find that this upcoming lunation cycle brings some unexpected or “shocking” news related to the houses Taurus and Leo occupy in your birth chart. For example, if you are a Leo rising, you may receive news around a “shakeup” at work (Taurus in the 10th) that affects you personally (1stHouse). With Pluto in Aquarius in a nice trine to Mars in Gemini, you may also find increased power, resiliency, and courage around whatever houses Aquarius and Gemini occupy in your chart. A “trine” is a supportive aspect, so this will feel a bit like the wind behind your back supporting your action and courage (Mars) around communication (Gemini).

As always, these transits will affect some folks more than others. If you have a planet at or near 29 degrees of a Cardinal sign (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries) or if you have planets in early degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces), you may feel these transits more than most folks. If you’d like to know more about how this Full Moon and its transits may affect you, there is a link below to book a reading.


New Moon in Leo; Be the Queen


New Moon in Cancer II, Shared Abundance