Mercury Rx in the ♥ of the Sun; Feel your Way to the Truth
On December 22 Mercury, the god of communication, will be “cazimi,” that is, it will be exactly conjunct the Sun, our light, our vision. When Mercury is in the heart of the Sun, it can bring an “aha!” realization to an issue we’ve been grappling with. Since Mercury is still retrograde, this “aha!” is likely the first step in a process that began with December 12’s New Moon and will resolve early in January as Mercury goes direct.
Here are a few thoughts to contemplate on the day of the cazimi. Mercury’s cazimi is at 0 Capricorn, a degree that invites us to step into our power with integrity. The type of power I refer to is our receptive power, the power and authority that come with being fully grounded in our authentic nature. It is the opposite of ordinary notions of power in our Western culture; it is NOT the power of the ego, but the power of the Self.
Two of Pentacles, Tarot
The cazimi also takes place in the first decan (10 degrees) of Capricorn. This decan corresponds to the 2 of Pentacles Tarot card which I’ve attached. The card has a quality of balance, of play, of staying centered in the moment, of being light on one’s feet. The first decan of Capricorn invites us to come to know where we are based upon our own internal capacity to find our footing. That footing comes from a feeling of knowing where you are rather than an intellectual understanding. It evokes a capacity to understand where to be, how to be, how to navigate a situation from out of one’s intuition rather than one’s thinking mind.
If you can, take a moment at the beginning or end of the day on the 22nd and contemplate the 2 of Pentacles; sit with the image and ground yourself in the energy that invites you to find your way to a solution to whatever dilemma you may be facing out of a connection with your own inner knowing rather than out of thoughts about what you “should do,” or how you “should be.”