Full Moon in Cancer: “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays?”
On December 26 we will have a Full Moon at 4 degrees of Cancer bringing a longing to connect with family and home. Symbolically, the moon represents our emotions, our body, our memories; it can be a stand-in for “mother,” the figures in our life who nurture us. The moon rules Cancer and when it transits this sign, we can feel more emotional as it connects us feelings and memories that may otherwise be difficult to grasp.
The Full Moon is in the first decan (10 degrees) of Cancer, a decan that has the feel of the symbiotic relationship between mother and child, the place where they bond as an undifferentiated “one” in their own little world. People with Sun or Moon in this decan often embody some aspect of the longing to be with a partner or friend in deep connection without interference from the outside world. The tarot card associated with this decan is the 2 of Cups, showing a couple joining together with a deep connection, working in unity.
Rider Waite Tarot Two of Cups, Tarot and Astrology
To get a feel for this energy, listen to a few Karen Carpenter songs. She had her Ascendant at 0 degrees of Cancer and her music drips with the sentiment of longing for the Other. Songs like “Goodbye to Love,” “Yesterday Once More,” “Close to You,” “I Won’t Last a Day Without You,” and “I Need to Be in Love.”
Other aspects in the Full Moon chart, however, caution us to be realistic about our nostalgic longing for home, for a past when we felt protected and safe from the problems of the world. Mercury the god of communication is conjunct Mars, the god of war, so we may find ourselves having tense conversations with friends or family around our belief systems (Sagittarius). The Sun is also in a flowing aspect (trine) to Jupiter, the god of expansion and big ideas, making each of us feel a bit inflated, as if we are special and “know” the answers to the big questions of life.
If you can, notice these conflicting energies as they arise. Notice the longing to connect, the feeling of irritation at others’ ideas, and the warm feeling of Sun trine Jupiter that brings a sense that you are omnipotent. Step back, breathe, and consider whether to engage. Honestly, this is much easier said than done. So, hold space to laugh and forgive yourself if you step into it.