Solar Eclipse in Libra, Karmic Corrections
Eclipse season begins October 14 with a South Node Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees of Libra. Eclipses are moments when one of our two lights in the sky, the Sun or the Moon are hidden from view and bring karmic corrections or shifts in our lives. The Sun is a symbol of spirit, of how we view the world, and what our conscious relation to reality is. When the Sun is eclipsed by the South Node of the Moon, it is a time for our ego to let go of old ideas, old constructs, and identifications with outworn thought patterns that have guided our lives but no longer serve us.
The hard part is that our egos love to hold on to what is known even at the expense of new possibilities that may present themselves. Hence the “karmic” correction. When we have been holding on to someone or something or some situation that does not fit the core of who we are, this can be a time when we are forced to let go whether our egos want to or not. With Pluto, the god of the underworld squaring the eclipse, we may find ourselves struggling a bit, being forced to make a difficult decision between the past and the future, between an old way of doing things that may have involved power struggles and a new way that invites us to own the darker parts of our own nature.
Also, Mercury, the god of communication is in Libra opposite Chiron, the wounded healer, in the eclipse chart suggesting this eclipse may bring an opportunity to heal old wounds around how we communicate in our partnerships. When two planets are opposed in a chart it can start as a feeling of a stand-off with another person, and if we hold the energy of our perspective while listening deeply to the perspective of the Other, there is a possibility for a third perspective to arise that brings a creative resolution to the stand-off.
The energy of the eclipse will unfold over the next 6 months and will be felt most strongly by people who have planets from 18-24 degrees of the Cardinal Signs (Libra, Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer). Feel free to reach out for a reading if you’re interested in learning more about how the eclipse may affect you.