Scorpio New Moon, Complex Emotions
On November 13, there will be a new Moon in the sign of Scorpio. New moons happen when the Sun and Moon come together in the sky and mark the birth of something new. Scorpio is a feminine water sign ruled by Mars, the god of war, it relates to deep emotions, a desire for truth and honesty, and a desire to excavate and grapple with what lies underneath the surface of our everyday lives. People with heavy Scorpio placements have an innate understanding of the transience of life and can be drawn to intense experiences that help them come to terms with the cycles of life and death.
The Mars-Uranus opposition that I wrote about a couple of days ago, is still active in this chart; Mars is in a tight conjunction with the new Moon and is quite strong as it rules Scorpio. This means that the volatility we've been feeling the past day or so is baked into the new Moon, intensifying the possibility that we may all feel emotionally reactive over the coming weeks. And with the Moon in Scorpio now, our reactions may carry an added layer of melancholy and a deeper sense of empathy around world events. The moon in Scorpio understands and feels the depth of pain in the world; indeed, the Buddha, who is said to have had the Moon in Scorpio said the first noble truth is that "life is suffering." So you can imagine that this new Moon may ground us more deeply in the reality of the pain of life.
One ray of hope with this new Moon is that Venus, the goddess of peace and harmony is now in her home sign Libra offering a bit of balm for our souls; Libra is an air sign that urges diplomacy and balance as we relate to others. She brings the possibility that if we do find ourselves in the midst of a sudden conflict we are able to work through it--that we are able to find our "inner diplomat" and listen with grace to the perspective of others.