Gemini Full Moon, Embrace the Contradictions

On November 27 we have a Full Moon Gemini. Gemini Full Moons bring moments where we are curious and social, wanting to gather and share information with the world.

Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury, the god of communication and the “trickster” of the pantheon. It is comfortable with contradiction and multiple perspectives, and, unlike its opposing sign, Sagittarius, it cares about facts and information more than the singularity of “truth.”

Mercury the planet that rules this Full Moon is in Sagittarius right now creating potential difficulties around communication. Mercury has a rough time there because it craves details and facts where Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius offers big ideas, visions, and quests for “truth.” On top of that, Mercury is in a tight square to Neptune bringing the possibility that our visions could be based on fantasy, not reality.

What does that mean for each of us? We could find ourselves in social or work situations, chatting away, imagining we are sharing information only to find that we have been taken over by our own idealistic vision of reality. We may later discover that our whatever “truth” we thought was guiding our side of the conversation was rooted in fantasy.

The Sun and Mars are in a square to Saturn in this chart meaning that we may also end up having to walk back any hardline positions taken during this time. Square aspects demand that we adjust, and compromise and Saturn is the planetary taskmaster who asks us to be realistic, thoughtful, and mature about our actions. At the same time, Saturn rewards thoughtful behavior, so there is also a chance to learn and grow presented by this Full Moon.

So, even if we overstep and find ourselves in the ideological “deep-end” in conversations, Sun Mars square Saturn provides us with the chance to slow down, reflect, adjust and listen to others’ perspectives. Gemini LOVES to hear others’ thoughts, so although this New Moon may carry uncomfortable energy, it also presents an opportunity to deepen and widen our vision of the world by making room for multiple perspectives to carry truth at one time.


Sag New Moon with Mercury Rx…Off on a Quest, Is it Fantasy or Reality?


Scorpio New Moon, Complex Emotions