Pisces New Moon, from Dream to Reality
Today’s New Moon in Pisces brings an opportunity to work with a dream and make it reality. The New Moon is between Saturn, the god of responsibility who encourages us to understand our limitations, and Neptune, the god of dreams. Much like the planet Neptune, Pisces steeps us in the imaginal, disclosing what lies beneath the surface of consciousness. It is a feminine water sign ruled by Jupiter, the god of expansion and optimism. Planets in Pisces have the potential of offering up images and dreams of new possibilities for our life. This is especially true when they are co-present with the already dreamy planet Neptune. In contrast, Saturn is the god of reality and limitations; he rewards our mature understanding of what is actually possible in the material world. Assuming we have committed ourselves to an area of growth, worked hard, and acted responsibly, Saturn gifts us by ensuring that the growth we have experienced has a lasting impact in both the inner and outer world.
New Moon March 10, 2024
This New Moon also carries a spark with it--an energy that makes it seem possible to work with our dreams and make something real out of them. Mercury the god of communication and writing just entered Aries, a cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, the god of war. Cardinal signs love to get things started and Mars has the energy to clear the path for a new adventure. This is especially true since Mercury is in the first 10 degrees, or “decan,” of Aries, a part of the chart associated with the first breath of life and with clearing the path for something new to emerge into the world.
The tarot card associated with this decan is the Two of Wands, which is called “The Lord of Dominion” in the Thoth deck. In divinatory readings, this card is often associated with the beginning of new projects. 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey through the Minor Aracana of the Tarot, T. Susan Chang (2020).
Two of Wands, Rider Waite Tarot
One well-known dreamer with the Sun in Pisces and Mercury in the first decan of Aries was Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist and Nobel Laureate, who revolutionized our understanding of the universe with his Theory of Relativity. It is said that Einstein’s theory was rooted in his meditation on a dream he had as a teenager where he and friends started to slide down a hill and realized he was going so fast he was approaching the speed of light. Einstein’s desire to articulate (Mercury and Saturn in Aries), the meaning of his dream (Sun in Pisces) using the language of science, is a clear example of the type of energy that may come with this New Moon.
Any seed planted at this New Moon is further supported by a nice flowing energy with Jupiter, the benefic god of expansion and optimism, and Uranus, the planet of sudden insight. This is especially true since Jupiter rules Pisces, further opening the lines of support and communication between the New Moon and Jupiter.
Venus, the other benefic planet in the pantheon, and ruler of both Jupiter and Uranus in this chart, moves into Pisces on March 11, just one day after the New Moon. Venus is “exalted” in Pisces, meaning she is held on high and has extra authority and ability to achieve her goals in this sign.
Astrology is a dynamic story, more than a truth frozen in time. The unfolding story here seems to be extra support and nurturing coming right after we take the first steps toward envisioning our dream. Venus will be in Pisces for a few weeks, offering an extra boost to this New Moon energy. Even better, Venus and Jupiter will be in a “mutual reception” when Venus is in Pisces and Jupiter is in Taurus during this time. This means that they are in each other’s “home.” When planets are in mutual reception it is like two old friends who swap homes with each other for a month; there is a comfort and ease at asking for what they need during that stay. Putting this all together, one has the sense that this New Moon is a good opportunity to take a leap of faith (very Pisces!) and work to make a dream a reality.
One cautionary note: Mercury will enter a retrograde period later this month. This may mean that as Mercury moves back and forth in Aries until late May, you may need to make adjustments and changes to whatever you start with this New Moon. But that's not surprising is it? Our dreams always appear a bit different when we work to manifest them in the material world.