Full Moon in Taurus: A Call to the Road Less Traveled
The Full Moon in Taurus on November 15 may present us with a dilemma, a question to be answered, a decision to be made. There could be a sudden shift of events that forces us to make a choice between two karmic paths.
It asks us to reflect on our values and ideas, making choices that resonate with the deepest part of who we are. If we can engage with these questions out of a place of integrity and make choices that fit our sense of what is right for us, regardless of whether it fits with conventional wisdom, we may find we feel more stable, confident, and grounded in a sense of our own self-worth.
Uranus is “conjunct” (right next to) the Full Moon. Uranus was discovered during the French and American Revolution. When it flavors a transit, it can bring sudden shifts—it is like the Tower card in the Tarot, the lightning strike that forces a sudden Truth upon us, breaks up old ideas of who we are, and asks us to be true to our authentic selves. It carries a sense of liberation, a sudden desire to break out of old norms, situations, or relationships that constrict us.
The Tower, Rider-Waite Tarot
Venus, the goddess of love, relationship, justice, and beauty, rules Taurus and the Full Moon. In the chart, Venus is “squaring” the nodes of the Moon. The nodes describe our karmic journey in this lifetime, the ways in which we struggle to integrate unresolved karma from the past into our life to expand our sense of possibilities as we step into new karmic experiences in the future.
When a planet squares the nodes, we may be presented with a choice—it can feel as if you are at a crossroads—a decision must be made, and your choice could impact the next phase of your life. A sense of “should I stay, or should I go?” or “is this the right path? Or that?” With Venus in Capricorn at the crossroads of Libra and Aries, we may be called to be the leaders (Capricorn) of our own lives, to make a choice that helps us navigate differences or conflicts between Self (Aries) and Other (Libra) in a way that grounds us in our own self worth. (Taurus Full Moon)
In taking the “road less traveled,” we deepen a connection with the uniqueness of our own being. We connect with a source of inner security that allows us to weather shifts in the outer world.
It calls to mind “The Road Not Taken,” a poem by Robert Frost:
The Full Moon falls in the last “decan” (10 degrees) of Taurus suggesting that we may need to wait for the results of any decision we make around the time of the Full Moon. The Tarot card associated with this decan is the 7 of Pentacles. We see a farmer in his field. The produce is ripe, but not yet ready for harvest. He waits, understanding that he is not in control of what may happen next; he can hope and pray the storms do not ruin the crop, but must trust that he has done his part to grow and protect his crop, and that the rest is up to fate.
7 of Pentacles, Rider-Waite Tarot
Like the farmer, this Full Moon may ask us to accept the limitations of our power—the possibility that no matter how hard we work to sow new growth, the outcome is uncertain. We make our choices as best as we can in the moment, with limited information, and not knowing what fate has in store for us on the other side of our decision.
The area of your life affected by the energy of the Full Moon depends on the house Taurus occupies in your chart. If, you are a Scorpio Rising, for example, Taurus lies in your 7th house and you may be called upon to make changes in a one-on-one relationship. If you are a Taurus Rising you may be faced with a sudden choice about who you are, a shift in how you identify yourself, a change in the way you present yourself to the world and so on.
As always, the lunation will affect you differently depending on the placements in your birth chart. If you have planets at or near 24 degrees of the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius), 5 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), or if your chart is ruled by Venus (if you are a Taurus or Libra rising), the Full Moon will likely have a more significant impact on you. If you’d like to know more about how this Full Moon might affect you, you can book a reading below.