Full Moon in Capricorn I, Trust Your Intuition
June 21’s Full Moon in Capricorn follows the Summer Solstice, a turning point in our year, a moment of maximum light in the Northern Hemisphere and maximum darkness in the Southern Hemisphere. Capricorn is a “cardinal” earth sign, encouraging us to take action to build new structures in our lives.
This Full Moon, falling in Capricorn I, the first 10 degrees of the sign, invites us to use our instincts and intuition rather than our intellect in making these new beginnings; this is a time to set aside our thinking brain and take advantage of what we know in our bones. Capricorn I is associated with the Two of Pentacles Tarot Card in Western Astrology. In the card, a man is seen juggling pentacles within an infinity sign, symbolizing a connection to a deeper level of consciousness beyond the limits of the human mind. This card, “Harmonious Change,” is “analogous to an animal choosing where to build its nest, or a seed taking root in one place or another.” Austin Coppock, 36 Faces, (Three Hands Press, 2014). People with planets in this decan have an intuitive capacity to find their footing in the world, to “know” when and where to build a place for themselves. It's a powerful and empowering aspect of Capricorn.
Two of Pentacles, Rider-Waite Tarot
In Vedic (Indian) astrology, this part of Capricorn falls in the “Mula” lunar mansion (“nakshatra”), which has been symbolized by the image of the deep roots of a tree for hundreds of years. People with planets in this part of Capricorn are said to be driven to uncover the common root or meaning of their experiences, connect with the hidden and unseen, and tap into knowledge from the unknown parts of the psyche.
A synchronicity unfolded for me years ago while studying the Mula nakshatra. I was reading the New York Times and found an article about Vincent Van Gogh’s last painting, “Tree Roots.” I have the Moon in Mula nakshatra and have always been drawn to Van Gogh’s work. I wondered if what drew me to him was a connection to this energy. Intrigued, I looked up his birth chart. Sure enough, his Jupiter, which rules the planet responsible for his creativity (Mars), is in Mula. Moreover, Van Gogh was in the midst of painting “Tree Roots” on the day he died, when he was in a nodal return, and the South Node, which rules Mula, was on his Jupiter.
Vincent van Gogh, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
If you are new to astrology, it is likely difficult to understand what I’m saying from a technical standpoint. I share this story with you not to “geek out” on astrology (though I do love to do this, lol), but with the hope that you can connect with the symbolic meaning of the energy of this Full Moon in your life. Meditating on the image of one of Van Gogh’s paintings or the image from the Tarot card may inspire you to connect with your intuitive capacity to dig deep and find your footing in whatever house Capricorn occupies in your chart. If you are a Capricorn rising, then Capricorn is the first house of your chart, which has to do with who you are—the development of who you are as a person. The Full Moon may help you find the right space or place to connect more deeply with your path. Or suppose you are a Cancer rising, and Capricorn is in your 7th house of one-on-one relationships. In that case, you may experience intuition around the steps to navigate any relationship issues that arise in your life.
As with any aspect, this Full Moon will have a greater impact on some folks than others; if you have a personal planet in the early degrees of any of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) or if you have a Cardinal rising sign, you will feel its energy more strongly.